Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Ministerial Dog

Over the last few months I have noticed that there have been a number of ministers (myself included) who have brought  puppies or new dogs into the house hold. This wee cute one is Hercules (yes really!) which we got from a rescue kennel.  He has come into our house and  suddenly, what he needs matters more than what we need! Who needs to go out into the rain for a toilet stop - certainly not me but off I go with my hood up and poo bags at the ready!

But because I am a minister and people expect me to make a theological point out of everything ('Oh there's a sermon in that Minister.'!) - here goes. Just two points though so not truly Presbyterian!

Dogs and God are Forgiving
You only have to muck up with your dog once to discover they have a forgivenness gene.
We've all done it - we've all lost the plot for a moment with the dog. Ranting at the puppy like a banshee at the umpteenth pee puddle that day, sending him into hiding beneath the bed. With another dog I  had I left  carnations on the coffee table for only a moment which I hadn't realised were poisonous to dogs. The dog ate them and then she threw up for a whole day. But inspite of any  mistake we make there they are looking for hugs and ready to love you all over again. God is pretty much using the same principle but perhaps with less need to lick your face!

Dogs and God are Protective
Our Hercules is very friendly with other dogs giving them a customary sniff (aren't you so glad that we don't have to say hello like that?!) But I know he will defend us if we are being threatened by anything he doesn't like the look of - thus far that includes my mobile phone ringing which is a bit of a bind! But he is ready to step in and step up, ready to protect.
God will also step in to save us not just from outside harm but mainly from ourselves and the scrapes  we get ourselves into each and every day. And if we manage to  wriggle free from God's protective embrace and allow our selves to wallow in a scrape or two - see point one above!


  1. Oh, just love this Libby - doggie theology = the best kind!

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